How Taking Action gets you Results W/ Jordan Smith - RET Ep#34

On Episode #34 introduces Jordan Smith, Who learned about Wholesaling from TikTok. He became one of my students when I was offering a free Wholesaling course, and he took what I said and just took Action. This is about how he decided to Finally Take Action and how he is getting Results that will Blow your mind.

Hey everyone out there in YouTube land and in Metro Detroit off Market Real Estate Group if you are watching or if you're watching the replay welcome I you know we are trying

to get this out there as much as possible I we are having some technical

difficulties getting to the Facebook group just because streamyard had

some issues with uh you know they deleted going straight to Facebook

groups for some reason so keep a look out on there otherwise the best place to watch this is on our YouTube channel uh

Randy Stedwell @RandyStedwell on YouTube all so you can ask questions live you can catch

us live and kind of go from there so I without further Ado today I have a great

gentleman with me he is his name is Jordan Smith I he is an awesome person I

when I first met him he was learning just learning about wholesaling trying to figure out what to do he had a couple

other things going on and you know we kind of we talks some through and ever

since then I've just seen him take action upon action upon action I see nothing but success coming from him so

you know we're on here to kind of bring him honor to share his story what he's been doing and the reason why he's

been doing it so that you know we can help others and and other people out

there can see what he's doing so uh without further Ado Jordan how you doing

today I'm doing all right Randy how are you I'm doing awesome doing awesome so I

you know tell me a little bit about I you know we'll kind of go straight into this a little bit but how did you come

about real estate and know you want to get into real estate we'll we'll take

wholes sale away from it at the moment let's just talk about real estate in general well real estate my grandpa was

always in real estate okay you know uh he worked at General Motors you know was

paid really well I forget what job position he had there but used that

money bought a bunch of rentals M and then you know so I guess it's running

the family and then my dad used to do uh flips before the' 08 thing so I grew up

watching him build houses you know just kind of ran in the family I guess that's

awesome so you you grew up kind of you know looking through these and seeing what you have to do knowing a little bit

about rentals things like that um very minimal very minimal though okay yeah so

yeah I never really tried to learn how to do it at the time did they get you for free labor when you were a

kid no no it was I was young enough to where I was just kind of um yeah I

remember just sitting there playing with my dad's tools while he was building a laundry

room that's awesome though you know those are are those are great memories those are

great memories you know so um so let's fast forward a little bit uh how old are

you right now 22 you're 22 okay and when

did you start wanting to get into real estate yourself really that was about

probably three maybe three and a half years ago okay so you're about

18ish 18 19 yeah okay just out of he School yep okay so yeah same year I was

graduating yeah same year you were graduating okay and what made you decide you wanted to get into real estate what

was that thought process honestly I saw I forget the name of the guy um but he W

he I was scrolling through Tik Tok and there was with your generation it's

always about Tik Tok h i was I used to be oh

not gonna lie um but yeah there was this guy

um it was an ad and uh you know he like pointed the

video at his Log Cabin he's like hey I bought this selling paper here's how I

did it by my course I'm like well okay he was talking about wholesaling I'm

like well that makes sense yeah that sounds kind of legal so

so so I said you know if he learned without a course then that's what I'll

do so then I went to YouTube and then you know pretty much just

learned what it is okay but yeah at that point had no

idea where to start you know all right so you you went to YouTube you

learn so you learned about wholesaling on Tik Tok and you're like okay I need to do a deeper dive into this because I

don't purchase this guy's course course you know um well you know what when you

came across YouTube it's like okay at least they tell me what it is but not

necessarily everything I need to know is that right right or it was the problem

with YouTube was this guy would say one thing and then this guy would say a

similar thing but it was different so you'd think they were the same or whatever you know everyone's got their

own way of doing things and problem with YouTube is you get it all with no way to

separate what works together and what nothing right so and and that's the

issue is you don't know this what I tell people um constantly is that you have to

uh pick someone to follow and then just kind of follow them you can't keep

bouncing around and that's a big problem with uh YouTube is that you know you get

uh one person then you'll get 10 others and they may contradict each other they

may not one person may want to go one strategy the other per the other 10

people want to go 10 different other ways you know so now you're learning 10

different ways and it's like the the old saying I you know was it

uh uh you can do all of them but you're the master of none yep jack of all

trades Jack of all thank you that's the Jack of all trades but not master of

none you know um you know it's like okay no you need to master one then go to the

next then go to the next and so on and so forth you know so so tell me a little

bit about you know after you started doing the YouTube you you learn about

what it is how did you come across everything else well um I eventually did gather

enough you know information from YouTube to

um I jumped on the you know to get the basics of it so then yep um of course I

didn't get the part this doesn't really work on the MLS so I jumped on

Zillow okay I jumped on Zillow uh started you know calling the listings

yeah you know trying to act as a buyer but not tell them because that's what YouTube told me to do yeah and

then and then um like one of the first couple

agents that picked up the phone just exactly what I was doing you know what I

was trying to do and then he's like uh his name is Adam

and um you know he was he was just really cool about it you know he's like

hey why don't I go buy you a lunch tomorrow and then you know we sit down and you know what you're trying to do is

called wholes Sailing by the way [Applause] and he like oh dang it [ __ ] yeah yeah

you know so then went and sat down with him and then you know he kind of pointed

me in the different programs you know the direction of the different programs you know uh he showed me you know prop

stream um and then uh he he was actually pretty neat he gave me a house that he

was selling but he hadn't put it on the market yet you know and he let me put it under contract with him and then it

didn't end up selling but because I didn't know how to sell it but right you know basically just kind of do a

practice run you know of the sell side oh okay

that I mean that was nice of him he knew exactly what you were doing so um you

know and so that obviously that wasn't your first deal or anything like that

right so did you keep doing deals with him how did you get more deals um how did you get that thought

process going for did you like hey I need to do something different um you know where'd you go

from there and by the way anybody who does want prop stream we also have batch

lades as well we do have some affiliate links in the bottom you do get a s-day free trial for either propstream or

batch leads we also have batch dialer as well um all of them are really good good

programs to use and I have used them so all right sorry go ahead sorry what was

the question I so what what happened next after a after this failed attempt

of wholesaling that this really gracious uh you know uh agent basically helped

you out here and allowed you to get under contract so what what happened after that your thought process of okay

do I need to change something did I just need to keep going at what we I'm doing

you know uh do I need to change my numbers like you know how I'm analyzing

the property like how did you what was your thought process going through that yeah

well yeah I would have to you know jump back to the lunch meeting I had with him

you know and he's like yep what you're trying to do doesn't work on the market

you know okay yeah he just he explained you know you can't call up an agent on

the phone and you know try and wholesale

their on-market property right um but yeah then he showed me how

to use you know prop stream pull lists from there um so I pulled

the some list of like I forget exactly what list it was I think it was a

combination of a bunch of different ones okay um skip traced them and then it was

like 196 houses you know which I thought was a huge list at the time dialing each

number one at a time yeah you know and

eventually I decided okay what I'm doing now isn't working basically so yeah you

know tweak it adjust it figure out what does work um but yeah sat down with that list

and just said I'm going to call this list every day until you know one of these people sell

their houses and then uh day three of the phone calls one of the guys his

name is Brian real cool older guy who also I didn't know at the time but he

knew what I was doing too

and and yeah he you know picks up the or calls me back he's like hey yeah I got a

property you know in Flint Michigan it's like yeah you know I'm want to get rid

of it you know evicting the tenants whatnot game of the whole story which you know I'll confess

I didn't know what most of it meant but yeah yeah yeah okay I'm like okay

someone wants to sell that's all I cared about like right okay um so yeah I went

and met him um in Flint as much as my mom didn't like that

idea you know that's a pretty sket it was very sketchy area and yeah it was

a yeah one of the worst areas and then it was one street past

that so okay and so meet the guy there we go

look at the house I get pictures of it you know I eventually give him my offer you know

with my purch scream and I downloaded online and uh where did you get the purchase

agreement from uh ricken zagin freeh

okay awesome so yeah I I've came across them and they're they're really good

people so yeah I don't know them personally by the way so I've only seen them on YouTube

yep yeah no I like their videos their older ones were real informative right

um and yeah basically I looked up the

property on Zillow the Zillow estimated it was worth 20,000 so I'm like how

about [Laughter] 20,000 so Zillow estimated

20,000 you're like hey how about 20,000 Yeah well yeah that's all I knew

I didn't yeah so you had no idea had no idea what I was do about how to run the

numbers or anything like that nothing okay I can kind of see where this is going but

continue and then uh signed it with the guy

um uh and then put it on Facebook Marketplace the next day and then real

estate Facebook groups you know because that's what Rick and Zack gin's YouTube channel said to do

and um which is a great plan you know and oh yeah eventually you know the

messages started coming in of you know buyers and

um scheduled a few appointments you know and they okay they didn't you know they

didn't buy it and then one guy but but at least by doing that and actually

getting some call backs and some appointments I'm G I'm assuming you went

through these appointments and and you walked through them and you got some experience doing this right yeah yeah no

I remember the um yeah the one that bought it I remember that appointment

real well and okay all right like he was yeah he was you know let's go through

that yeah let's go through that because I want to know what you learned about that appointment okay yeah all right so

how did he find you I'm assuming Mark Facebook Okay um post and okay okay and

you know you walking through it did he teach you what he was doing did he did he let you know that you know where he

needs to be you know like walk me through what you know what that process was like and what did you post it for I

posted it for um I think I posted it for what a

different real estate software said it was worth which was higher than the 20 I think I posted it for like 36

okay and um but yeah that he would have this

guy would have showed me what he was doing you know and everything but I thought I was supposed to already know

that so I pretended I did okay all right knowy I was young and yeah sometimes you

gotta fake it until you make it you know yeah I mean he obviously knew

but um but yeah just kind of watch in him he actually looked at the condition

of the property which is something I never thought to do

and why look at the condition yeah it's property Z says it's worth

this you can see the theme here with you know my whole strategy of the time was to wing it y yeah

um but yeah you know just checking you know around the toilet and bath you know

for water damage or whatever like oh that's an interesting thing to

do you know looking at the plumbing under the sink and making sure it's all there you

know um and yeah he's sitting there on his notepad adding up all the repairs

and stuff you know um and yeah eventually we step

outside um and he's like well okay so what's

your bottom dollar for it and I'm like well at that time I already knew not to give the price first so I'm

like well yeah so I'm like well I'm not going to give the price first you you hey that you you know what

I'm asking come on right yeah I'm like well what do you have in mind and uh

yeah he offered like 23 and I had it listed for like

36 um okay and yeah as soon as he offered 23

my voice started shaking because if I'd have accepted that I would have made three grand right you know you're like

okay we're in profit territory yeah I'm like this just started happening like

you're like all right I'm in profit territory do not show my cards uh all

right yeah don't show them you're nervous yeah yep Y and then yeah you

know like every movie you know every good movie Watcher knows

they should do I went back and offered 33 he offered like you know 24 you know

just bounce back and forth okay and then um yeah eventually settled at 26

I'm like well that's okay great all right yeah yeah

and then uh went and got the assignment and then

um yeah just basically signed it with him and then and how fast

gave uh closed it in about about a week about a week okay so your that was your

first deal and you made six grand off of that right right yeah and what did you

learn anything about the title process and how to get that going yeah yeah

after they um after after they signed I'm like

okay well now I need a title company that actually does Wholesales because I didn't have that at

the time okay and then um so basically then uh called I looked

up title companies you know in jenese County Michigan and then and by the way

that's his market so if any and there's are if there are any buyers that want to contact him we'll talk to you at the end

and his information's in the description but you know um you know so if you have

anybody if you are a buyer in Gennesse County contact your man Jordan over here

so yeah all right basically made a list of every Title Company in jese county

and called them all one by one until hit Liberty title and then they're like yeah

we have a whole branch that does wholesaling I'm like like great I'm about to make six

grand oh awesome that's awesome all right so and

and you went through was there any hiccups with title at all uh yes yes um there was yeah scared

me half to death because I almost didn't make anything on it because um the tenants didn't move out

in time is my dog she's interrupting we're dog lovers here

yeah um but yeah the tenants didn't move out in time and uh the buyer calls me up

three days before you know after the closing dates were already set and then

um uh he says yeah I don't think I can buy it you know is there any way I can

get that deposit back and I'm like ah absolutely not right yeah you stick to

your guns yeah yeah um and

then I'm like why what's going on and he's like well the tenants haven't moved out

yet and then I'm like oh that's not good you know right because they were supp a

week before then yeah you have it in your contract that it's supposed to be vacant right

no which I didn't know I needed to at the time

okay um yeah that's what you get for winging it but um yep all

right so called the the seller and I'm like

hey have the tenants moved out the buyer says that the tenants are still there

and then he's like yeah they told me they would move out but they haven't moved out I don't really know what to do

about it I'm like well now what you know yeah

um and when he called the buyer back I'm like you know the I don't know the

tenants said they would move out but they haven't moved out okay you know

like I had no idea what to do at the time and then eventually met with the seller in person MH and then I'm just

like hey we got to get these people out of here yeah you know like and then so

he went and talked to him came back and then he's like well okay they said

they'd be out Thursday which was um the day before we were going to close

it okay and then um you know eventually they they did

eventually move out okay you know so I'm like oh good good so it's interesting

how you know like the seller didn't want to lift it sounded like the seller didn't want to lift a finger until you

pressed him on it right right yeah okay and you know what sometimes having a

conversation with it just gets you a long way you know and what I mean by

that is is okay you have the seller you're trying to have a conversation with the seller the buyer the you know

buyer has nothing to do with it you know he's thinking he's getting a vacant property you know um but the seller

doesn't want to stir up trouble doesn't want to they're like well you're buying what whatever you know I don't know what

to do it's like well do you want me to talk to this to the tenants

because you're their landlord right now not me you know so it wasn't until you

pressed him a little bit you know to to kind of go talk to him he's like all

right I gotta I gotta get this taken care of right right yeah and you know I

I can tell you right now he saw my desperation of my first deal almost not

going through you know okay um yeah so being a you know he's an older guy real

nice guy um you know just like seeing the young guy getting into the

business okay you know he's eventually he's like okay F I'll go deal with it

myself and you know So eventually that worked out and then another thing of

course they took the keys with them and never gave them back so the buyer had a locked house yeah hey if that if that's the

hardest thing you have to do that's what they make drills for so yeah yeah I'm sorry I remember tell the buyer called

me up um the morning of closing he's like am I going to have this key at

closing and because this house is locked I'm like well the tenants never gave back the

key and um she's like well I don't want a locked I don't want a house I can't get

into what's the point in that and I I remember telling him there's already a

window that's cracked I'll finish that window and get inside and unlock this house for you like I was getting this

steal through

okay so I mean you came up with some creative way you're thinking on your feet you're again it goes back to it's

what this episode is about it's you decided to take action and just do it

just do it how can we get this solved let's just see what we can do um also by

the way if you are watching right now if you're watching live uh go ahead and put in the side chat any questions you have

we'll answer them as we go um it's you know we're happy to have bring you in interact a little bit so uh

as we go if you have questions by all means put them in the side chat uh now

for uh you know with you going through this this deal you obviously closed it

you made some money right okay how did how did you utilize that money going

forward did you go into the next deal did you like how did you repeat this

process I didn't um okay first thing I first thing I bought it wasn't a bad

decision but it was a you know $300 Wireless noise cancelling

microphone headset deal you know to make more calls that's a smart decision I'm

sorry I don't know what you're saying but that's a smart decision no this one was and the next one was a $3,000

propstream list of a ton of properties in

Detroit and okay I KN I knew nothing about Detroit I'm like well so you go

from Flint to Detroit I [Laughter]

know yeah that was not that was not a smart decision

and yeah I blew that sixth Grand so fast um I remember yeah yeah I bought a

$1,000 car because I was using my mom's car at the time mhm and uh old rusted

out Buick okay and um a giant batch of Detroit

properties um I bought a

dialer uh call tools dialer and I didn't even you know know how to set up the

dialer or look into it or anything um it's just yeah they said after your first Deal on YouTube buy all this stuff

you know buy more leads you know upgrade your setup and I'm like well okay I'll

upgrade my setup I did but it was just blew it as fast as I made it and after

that it was a repeat cycle of finding a house in

Flint and then going and signing house for whatever the Zillow said it was

worth and then you went back to that well it work you went back okay all

right you know I didn't I didn't know that's not what you do still because that's what I did and it worked right

you know um so so real quick am I what

is the best lead gen strategy for beginners it is not doing what he just said exactly yeah don't go bu a000 list

of a city you've been to one time I will answer that question a

little bit later so stay tuned I will answer it I but I want to get more of a story and kind of going forward so um I

just wanted to bring but I all right keep going you you

that miserably failed miserably all right it was terrible and yeah I remember I remember her um

yeah yep yeah next moving on in the story then next um chapter you could say

was one of those terrible Flint houses terrible deal you know it was 11

Grand purchase and it was completely you know

it had burned all the way through on the inside okay um the highest offer I got

was 10 grand you know okay so it wasn't terribly far off

um yeah but it was yep I me you can't get under if you if you

can't sell it for more than you have it under contract for there's nothing you can do right you know so did you try to

go renegotiate a little bit to get the price down I did but he wasn't budging

you know got it and yeah that one that one's a it it led to a good path because

that one um yeah yeah someone um an agent saw it on Facebook

saw that it was you know um and they brought a buyer to it okay and then uh

when the buyer left you know the guy looks at me he's a real nice guy um and I still you know

work with him on some stuff to today um but you know he looks at me and says

listen I know you're excited about this but you have a bad deal when it doesn't

sell call me and he gives me his business card got it you know which was kind of sharp but

it it was it was a bad deal yep and

um so yeah basically it doesn't sell you know I give him a call and he's like you

know I know what you're trying to do you know my office does that quite a bit it

works you know why don't you come in and I show you how to do it okay I'm like

well that's a great idea you know yeah and you know from then on it was a

real gradual process of one thing after another I kind of got the hang of you

know and then the rest of the side was just a mess still just winging it and

whatever okay um and um yeah I remember finding

a seller out in New York through those through a bunch of Flint houses that

he in the for sale by owner part of Zillow and um you know I saw they were

under the same owner and I'm like well maybe I can work out like a package deal or something right you know and so give

that guy a call you know these didn't end up selling don't get your hopes up in the story but

spoiler alert um but yeah um got signed a

inexclusive purchase agreement you know it's like okay you bring the buyer you'll get your you know like ,000 piece

or whatever okay and

um yeah I'm like so I got those and then went back and called that

agent um that I had you know gotten good friends with and

then um you know just went to him it's like okay I got these deals how do I

sell them right you know and he's like well try um you know going and meeting

people in person because Facebook wasn't working and okay um you know go to local

meetups I'm like well do you know of any local meetups he's like yeah you know the gennessee landlord group mhm and

then so bought a membership there

and um went with my grandma and still go with my grandma you

know she still has a lot of rentals and stuff um okay you know and then made

a print out flyer you know in Microsoft where it just typed out the address and

then information on each property you know made a bunch of little books with

uh stapled together Pages some old school all right yeah yeah um and then

made a bunch of them and then went there this is the first time I went there went

there early and um laid out these books like three of

them on every table in the um building okay and you know went and sat

back down you know my phone number was on each one of them too so you know just sat back down and waited for a call you

know um yeah and then eventually the guy that

um runs the group there um or the president of it his name is Ed H

Constable shout out to Ed um and what up

Ed um yeah he picks up the paper and he's like so who brought these wholesale

[Laughter] deals and I turned so

red you just wanted to go on the corner right and just gota like yeah well because at that time like I was still

under the impression like nobody can know it's a wholesale deal don't tell the seller don't tell the buyer you know

yep um so like I don't know how he knew but he did he probably saw that they were

listed on Zillow okay and um so yeah he's like so who brought these wholesale

deals and you know red little me in the corner it's like me you and then you

know completely opposite reaction of what I thought he was gonna give he goes like that's really cool you know it's

like yeah and then he's like yeah everyone you know look at these wholesal

deals check through and this is exactly what we want in this group you know young guys coming into the business just

taking action doing it you know and I'm like you're like okay yeah I'm not as

red now but okay yeah you

know yeah you know none of them bought them because they still weren't the best

deals right and yeah he comes up to me

afterwards and um you know we exchanged numbers and

he's like yeah you know this is awesome I'm so glad you're here you know here

with your grandma too and like you know just getting into the business on your own you know taking the action like you

said you know most definitely yeah that's awesome so you know

you as going through there and because he gave you a good reaction

now probably everybody in there be like hey you know you know what these aren't good deals for me they're not you know

whatever but can I get get on your list you know exactly yep everybody like can I get on your list can I get on your

list yeah bunch of people yeah because they were almost good deals kind of

thing okay you know so I yeah I did get a lot of people it's like hey you know send me your next ones I'm like okay

I'll put you on my buyer list because I did know what that was at the time all right and um

um yeah and then it was really it was a long time after that before I made

another sale okay you know so what were you trial and error yeah so you were

just kind of taking action seeing what works you know you kind of like you have

a little bit of direction but you're like mainly throwing darts at a board to see what sticks right exactly yep okay

yeah so and it's not a bad it's not a bad situation but it's like all right this

is you know you kind of still got to formulate a plan and then you know tell

me a little bit about how you started to actually think about this because I I know we haven't brought it up yet but I

did start a uh I I did a beta test for a wholesaling coaching

program and I actually held interviews for the people to

join and Jordan was one of those people so tell me a little bit about how

where were you when you came to me yeah no that

was yeah um that was you know just a repeating

pattern ever since I kind of knew what I was doing sort of yeah and it was just a repeating

pattern of you know saving up you know so much money and then dropping it in

programs to try and learn a little bit more each time you know over and

over um and then yeah you know the big

thing I got from you was um instead of winging it you know yep you know the

flowchart was the biggest one you know okay that's awesome yeah

um just lay out the plan and then stick to that plan instead of try the newest

thing that you see on the internet shiny object syndrome

yeah yes yeah that's a good word for it yes um but yeah you know just yeah

exactly it's you know went from oh well I'll try this and see if it

works try it once run out of money quit you know okay deem it not workable or

whatever right you know so so by the way we got about three weeks in and

unfortunately I had to stop it for a moment because I had some personal stuff happened my mother pasted and you know I

I will continue it but in the meantime and after everything was happening I'm

getting these calls from Jordan like hey I got this deal I got this deal oh I got this deal I got this deal over here hey

it's sold over here blah blah blah so how did you go from

that to now all a sudden you got 11 deals or whatever and and they

sold they didn't sell like they sold so yeah you know I canceled one contract

this year so far that is awesome yeah no big improvement from winging it huge

Improvement so and by the way he came to me we started that in December okay uh beginning of December

all right I remember that um so yeah so tell me what did what changed obviously

you had some of that and you just said that the the the flowchart the system

you know having a plan and sticking to that so how did you implement that and

what what did you do differently yeah well it actually started back in July you know to up to

answering that question awesome um yeah back in

July um you know I just made a post you know I was out of money again blew it

all in real estate programs you know so I'm like well I need gas money

somehow and so yeah had already gained some connections in real estate you know

they you know most you know people in the landlord group at the time at least that would

consistently go you know knew the name Jordan Smith it's like oh yeah that's the kid that comes with his grandma um

you know but yeah anyways posted on the Facebook group uh for that group like

hey I grew up with painting my grandpa's rental properties

you know if anyone needs a painter I could use the extra cash it's basically how I worded it and then that was at

like 3:00 a.m. Sunday night and then woke up

um Monday morning and I had uh 25 Miss messages from different people

looking for paint and okay so then I called Ed

and I said Ed I need your help here I accidentally started a painting business

and I don't know what to charge people he's like you did what so after

laughing at me about it for like 10 minutes

like explained how to yeah you know how to you know how painters priced stuff

for square fold or whatever and you know went over all that that's kind of off topic but

basically yeah I used that accidental Paint Company startup you know built it

into a actual thing to where I was actually getting some money from it and

then um I saw your post and you know I was like hey I'm

looking for people to start this free course or whatever um you know to test

it out for uh the course I'm making I'm like okay all right so I yeah I sent a

message you know hey I'll do it or whatever I said um and then yeah that was beginning of

December and

um yeah after the first couple you know classes um I'm like like okay I think

what I was missing was consistency yep and so I'm like okay I'm going to you

know use December with this painting to

raise um basically a cushion budget and then okay um you know so I

can have enough to have enough money to buy the real estate programs you know I

planned on two months two months worth I figured if I actually put in the effort

for it then it'll work and this whole time you're you don't have a full-time

job you you're working on your own right right I used to have a um job I was

making cakes at Meyer and okay yeah and then started this painting

business and yeah I couldn't do that anymore because painting paid more yep

you know that's awesome yeah and then yeah basically use December to like

build up the cushion for it and the ground ground work you know planning of

it and then um yeah around Christmas I'm like

okay you know it should be all set like this is the last time I'm gonna blow my

money on this stuff if it works it works if it doesn't it doesn't but you know right sure you know but either way you

know I'm going to not be able to say I didn't do the

best I could at it you actually give it a real shot yep

and um yeah basically started January 2nd um day after New

Year because planned was to start January 1 but I forgot that was New Year and um I everybody hung over so you know

yeah they didn't want to answer the phone anyway right um but yeah started January 2nd

and just called every day you know I between Christmas and New Year I had set

up the dialer and okay um you know I

guess somehow it saved my information of like previous stuff I've called or

whatever and what dialer are you using batch dier batch dialer also Link in the

description I get a 7-Day free trial I believe on batch dier so uh same thing with batch

leads as well so all right um and yeah

basically between Christmas and New Year I set it all up and um you know with the

intent of starting January you know just doing you know either 100% or 0% like

you know basically taking the action and doing it yep and um yeah January 2nd I'm like okay

I'm done painting like yeah I'm using whatever I

raised and I'm putting it back into this if it works then so after after January after January 2nd you're like okay

that's it we're done painting business is off to the side or I'll hire it out

if need be you know like subcontracted out uh but I'm devoting my time and energy into

this whole sailing thing and I need to get con like you said

consistency right okay you developed the plan and you're like all right this is

what we're gonna do moving forward and how was your first what what we'll say

the first month in cold calling the first month I didn't get a sale but I

saw the sales got it if that makes sense like it was

um you know yeah eventually worked it up to where you know I was making a

thousand calls a day on a three three line dialer took about know six hours

is and um just did that every day because any more my numbers would have been marked as spam but

um yeah um basically I was getting people that said yes I

want to sell you know um but give me you know

blank like give me two weeks or give me a month or you

know you these are people you set up in your followup list right to keep

following up with them and so they're not immediate sales but they could lead

up to sales later on right which the bad should die really helped with that because they had it automatically set up

to where if you pushed followup at the end of the call it added the contact to a different list okay you know um yeah

and then yeah and what kind of list were so what kind of list were you were you

calling driving dollar lists okay that's awesome

and H Mr am over there I don't know if you're still with us you're asking for

the best lead gen strategy is exactly what he just said was a driving for

dollars list in my opinion you do your own backyard you drive for dollars you

know that that that property looks distressed at least um and call the owners that is the

best list that you can get out there so it's also the hardest one to

get it's also the hardest one because you got to spend time to go out there and get that list how many how long were

you spending going out driving to get these list I would drive six hours in a

day um okay just you know I would plot out a neighborhood you know start at noon

until you know the neighborhood was done yep and I would do that and then be

on the dialer for two days and then drive around go get more then be on the

dialer for two more days okay so had that consistency

basically um and then yeah just kind of got the people

that yes I want to sell for sure I need to get rid of the house you know desperate sellers basically but give me

so long you know or call me back in two weeks or a month or whatever right and

eventually it was you know so that kind of told me I'm on the right track MH and

So eventually um the calling

time and then the followup time you know caught up with each other to where now

you know the contracts were coming in right and how long did that take that

was end of uh yeah February 2nd is when I signed the

first one so it took about literally one month right um okay and then yeah and then

that first week in February I'd signed three put them on the Real Estate Group

and then they all sold um you know the same day I put them up because you were

actually running your numbers properly right right figured out how to find deals that sell right you know yeah run

the repair costs run the numbers you know and that's the key thing yeah those

ones I even recognize like okay I might not know what I'm doing here still so

then focus on the even lower offer to you know for the

unforeseen right you know and then you know my goal was to just list them for

for five grand above what I got them for don't be greedy about it just get these

sold um because if I sell one I'll have proved the point to myself basically yep

and yeah first one I posted

um uh yeah first one I posted it

was 4 hours after four hours from the time I signed it I had signed with the

buyer and they had an EMD in the title company and and that is how you do it

yeah I'm like if you have a good deal that's exactly what's going to happen

Okay the key thing is is if that's not happening I'm not saying it's a bad deal but it's not a smoking deal so it

sounded like you probably could have pushed that price up a little bit for sure but but what you just said earlier

I don't want to be greedy I just want to get this going and and bring in value right okay I'd rather do three sales for

five grand each then one sale for 10 grand right you know exactly so I'm now

do you live in a nice area of Flint or of Flint of Gennesse County Davidson you

live in Davidson which is a relatively nice area so am you said you live in a

nice area of Metro Detroit there aren't many distressed properties I'm going to tell you I live in metro

Detroit as well I live in a nice area you can go anywhere in metro Detroit and

find distressed properties I can guarantee you that anywhere now in the

suburbs are going to be a lot less if you want to move into Pontiac you want to move into Detroit those are going to

be a lot more so on and so forth anywhere you go there's going to be distress properties all right now you're

talking about in the $800,000 range and things like that then yeah you know what

you might not be able to find those but that's why there's a car and you can

dve right call it driving for dollars for a

reason so and it works and it works so

but nobody wants to do it that's why it works that's why it works nobody wants to take the time to do it so so you were

getting these you getting them sold everything was going and that that's still about where we are about right now

right so you know kind of where you're at you're you also help out with some

flips as well right yeah yeah um so how did you get involved with that I it was

actually Ed Constable the realator um shout out to Ed uh

he gives me a call um uh and he's like hey if you find a

good property where there's enough money on it you know basically you know I like you I'd like to do a flip with you you

know you bring the house I'll fund it and then you paint it and we'll split it

okay and I'm like okay you know so he's more looking for quick flips like carpet

paint and that's about it right um yeah we don't want to gut it right okay you know

some easy easy rehab you know something small easy enough at least yeah yeah

okay and yeah and then it was funny um

because I did find one um and you know he's like yeah you know

this is a good deal I'll do it and so um you know assigned the contract to him

for a0 assignment fee and then uh closed on it got um and then you

know I told him yeah you know I'll paint the outside of it instead of hiring a painter to do it

and um it I saw like the impact of not

yeah that was the first time I really I guess realized the you know how well the

wholesaling was going if you actually was resistent at it yep um because that

week that it took to paint the house you know I wasn't making any phone

calls or anything y or following up with the people or whatever and it was just

like it just I knew it wasn't worth it like it just got it yeah yeah like oh my

God yeah like yeah that's when it hit me it's like okay wow that's what

consistency does you know yep like yeah being consistent and it's like

okay now you gotta re pick up the momentum and a lot of times when you

repick up that momentum it does it's not the same you know so you you realize

like okay even though I'm 5050 on this deal with him it's like okay I'm sitting here doing this work but it's taking me

away from the phones right it's taking me away could be lining up our next one

you know but I had already told him yeah I would do it you know at that point I'm not gonna say hey hire somebody else um

yeah but yeah so did you how did you secure yourself to be able to get half

of the profits or whatever you're deal was it was his idea yeah but how did did you get in

writing oh no no okay he he totally could so so

anybody out there don't do what he just did I highly recommend you do it with

you get in writing no I know the guy pretty well he's a really good guy which is great

and and that is awesome but no matter what I always say get writing so that

hey this protects you and protects me you know so there's no expectations of

anybody screwing anybody over so it's good that he followed through with what

he said and I'm sure he's a great guy that he wouldn't do that but I've seen

too many people get screwed over that way yeah so always even if it's just a

small document listing out hey we're buying this property together he's

funding it and then because I found it and no assignment fee we're splitting

the profits you know so so on and so forth so now that document you can take

basically and be I don't know whether it be a lean holder or whether you be a I

mean it could be something you could enforce you know so that's the key or

you become part of title so you just add your name on title

you know so now both of you are owners and in order for him to sell he needs your signature as

well yeah something yeah but I'm glad it worked out I'm glad I I highly recommend

you get him in writing you know um you know because you you don't want to come

back to that that's the only thing so yeah I so that that's awesome so you're

continuing to do that you so you're doing wholesaling you're doing some flips so you're you're you're you're

testing the waters because guess what everybody wholesaling is not the end all

Beall it is a lead gen to get to your next step whether that be wholesale or

whether it be fix and flipping whether that be buying holds whether that be uh going to multifam whatever the case or

commercial whatever the case you you know you want so um with that being said

what do you feel that you are um what are your plans for the

future right now I guess I should should go into that

consistency there you go you know it's you know yeah like I've already proved

that the process works yep you know so keep doing it awesome

so you know how are you combating that the painting

time um yeah I have somebody else that you know I just send the jobs to and um

you know I still advertise you know my company and then they you know because

we charge the same price either way for payt okay um and

you know so they give me a call I get him in touch with this other guy and um

you know he paints it and then he gives me a little thing on the side for sending him the job kind of thing so he

gives you a referral you know right right okay and then in turn he also

hooks you up when you have your own properties right yeah exactly all right

see networking getting to know people and this right here is why by taking

action he was able to meet these people by by doing something he was able to get one step ahead in everything he's did

he's done you know so um what is your plans for the rest of

this year do you or how how much in wholesaling we'll just talk about wholesaling we don't need to

talk about the flip flipping have you made an assignment fee so far

how much have I made or how many sales either one whatever you want to

talk about okay [Music]

um I think I just sold number eight number eight okay and this is March

right now we're in March 20th May and you May

20th my bad May 20th and so we are five

months in and you've sold eight properties right that is

awesome well and then March you know yeah March was uh I didn't do much in

March because it was you know you had the painting job

so right yeah there was the painting job that took a week and I was sick for like

another three weeks you know and I didn't really get you know make any calls in

March okay so you know we had you've done eight deals say

average about 5k per deal which you probably did more than that I'm I'm

assuming on some of them uh yeah that'd be the average yeah that be the average

okay so I mean you made a good chunk of change so I mean you're looking at I I

am dumb stupid at the moment so

I so you know 8 Time 5 I mean you're looking at

you've already made and this is only May you've already made

$40,000 yeah well a lot of them were a lot you know there was some that was over five

they average yeah so around that okay

that is amazing all right that is a somebody's

yearly salary in five months so it can be done now we have

expenses we have all of that going through this whole process not taken away from that and H we are not saying

that you can do wholesaling for free is that right no I spend about three four grand on

programs alone like it exactly so we are not saying that you can wholesale for

free you need to put in some money all right now it may not be a lot compared

to some other businesses but it's great so uh Mr A&M uh am says congrats Jordan

so well that's yeah I'm not saying I see all that money I'm not you're right you don't but the thing is is that just

knowing that that is obviously that is um you know the net you know before all

expenses so um you know check that out

you know yes wholesaling is great um but make sure you do it properly uh if you

have any leads and you just don't know what to do with them or anything like that I I'm in the Metro Detroit area my

number is right here at the bottom give me a call I'm happy to jayv with you I do have buyers if you're in the Gennesse

County talk to Jordan how can how can people get a hold of you Jordan if they

want to get on your buyer list uh or anything like that um I have a website

it's homesell um okay getting that set up at the time

of this video it's not there yet um but maybe by the time you see it it will be

um for right now uh my cell phone is 8108

74275 and my email is Jordans smithg go Gmail that is awesome so uh anybody

wants to contact Jordan go go ahead and contact him if you have any questions concerns or anything like that by all

means reach out to us now if you are somebody who wants to be a guest on my podcast please do reach out to me you

can text me here at this number or you can email me at Randy buys houses Mii so um and we can kind of go from there but I'm happy to have you

Jordan thank you for telling us your story uh and and you know telling us

like how I'm hoping this helps at least one person out there that's the goal if

it helps more great that's great as long as they can help one person that's awesome so I appreciate you

coming on I yeah having me no problem I'm gonna put you in the back we're gonna close down but uh stay here we'll

uh I I'll chat with you in a minute all right okay thank you everyone for joining and

I really do appreciate uh everyone who did come join live we are a little bit

over on time that's awesome though I I I'm happy to go through I wanted to

share Jordan's story he is an awesome guy and you know in my opinion a lot of

what he's gone through is what every beginner goes through so I the differen

is is a lot of other beginners say I need to know everything before I even take one action he took action even when

he didn't know much so and that's what the whole point of this episode really

is take action and just follow up get to know people you know people are going to

be out you know people are gonna help you you know if you're open with it they'll help you so with that being said

I you know see you on the next video see you on the next guest with the next guest let's all do deals together