Unlocking Success in Senior Housing: The Leading Lady of Residential Assisted Living | RET#22

In this exciting episode #22 of Real Estate Talk with Randy Stedwell, we have the privilege of sitting down with Isabelle, a remarkable individual with a unique journey. Isabelle is a graduate from Arizona State University, a former flight attendant, a Walt Disney World intern, and now the guiding force at Residential Assisted Living Academy. She has held the position of COO at the company for the last 8 years, skillfully keeping everyone in line and on task. Isabelle's expertise in Senior Housing has not gone unnoticed, as she's been featured in numerous magazines and articles on the subject. Her recent accolade as one of the "Top Influencers in Senior Housing" further solidifies her reputation in the industry. In 2020, she was honored with Aging Media's "the Future Leaders of Assisted Living" award, standing out as one of the 100 under 30 who made the list. Links: https://residentialassistedlivingacademy.com/ral101/

Join us in this episode as we delve into Isabelle's incredible journey and gain valuable insights into the world of Senior Housing. Be sure to check out our website: https://www.randystedwell.com/ for all podcast related information as well as our Deal calculator.

hey everyone out there in YouTube land and our Facebook group Metro Detroit

off-market Real Estate Group how you guys doing today so I got a special

special treat I went and saw uh this person Isabelle at the M REI real estate

meetup group and I fell in love with how she's presenting everything with with

her business model I'm not saying I'm going to do that but I'm just just the idea and everything so I wanted to bring

that to you guys I wanted to bring whatever she said over to here and I

can't really explain it very well I will lose words so guess what I did is I brought on Isabella just to bring on she

is the CEO of uh R uh Academy as well

and uh she is also runs her own assisted living facilities all around the country

I can't wait to have you guys hear her origin story her what she's doing now as

well as what she can do to help you guys out so without further Ado I'm G to

pronounce Isabelle how are you doing Asel doing great thanks so much for having me awesome so

I I was really truly blown away when I met you at the mrii real estate Meetup

Group here in Michigan so um you know for anybody out in YouTube if you're not

in Michigan this is that's where I met her uh where are you based out of a believe it was it Arizona yeah Phoenix

you got it Phoenix awesome so but you do you do Assistant Living places all over

the country right I own and operate my own three here in the Phoenix Scottsdale Market market and teach and train

investors how to do it in all 50 states even other countries so yep we've got oh that's awesome all

over that is awesome so with that being said uh let me bring up so how tell me a

little bit about how you got started yeah actually for us it's really close

to home my grandmother fell she broke her hip and she needed assisted living and my family kind of got introduced to

the concept then when it meant something to us when it was needed to us I mean we'd seen a big box we' driven by a

Brookdale but we never knew what was really going on what was involved how much it costs all that good stuff and so

my dad had been a real estate investor for 40 years and um at that point he was doing quick math and he's like wait wait

wait wait wait we're either GNA pay five grand a month for to live in one of these homes or we could own and operate

the home and the business and she could live for free and we could be cash flowing 10 grand a month I think we

should get in so um he purchased his first one with the intent to move my grandmother in she passed before we

could we could get her in but we really fell in love with the concept ended up buying two more and then have taught

thousands of other people how to do this because truly we just had never seen

cash flow and impact in this way so I'm

gonna reel you back here for a moment is you said something that probably not a

lot of people picked up on but because well I'm a wholesaler if you haveen if

you don't know um and I always have to run the numbers for Buy and Hold

investors one thing that you kind of said that I picked up on was five grand

a cash flow five grand a month for her to live in the home or if we owned and operated

the business it'd be 10 grand a month in cash flow for us and she'd live for free

God so essentially that's 15 grand in cash flow because you're if you were

paying essentially if your loved one Liv there potentially if your loved one

lived there my God 10 grand that is a lot of dang okay I'm sorry continue that

that just you know I that's the it is the second time I've hearding hearing it so but it's still it still shocks me

every time well good I'm glad that it's exciting to you because that's exactly what we do is depending on your market

and how many seniors you're allowed to have in the home it usually ranges somewhere between six to 16 seniors

within the home so that number of you know 5,000 is really based on having

somewhere in the middle like 10 residents in the home right and the thing is for Real Estate Investors it's

not like we're exempt from aging right it's not like we're exempt from having aging loved ones we deal with this too

but we have a unique skill that maybe not everybody else in the world has right they they see their aging loved

one and they say I don't know what to do I don't have any options and so they just automatically go to the big

facility instead of looking at options and saying what can I use with the

skills I already have that is awesome so yeah you always

have to look at what you have what you have available and see how you can do it from there so

um you know it when when you spoke it actually Hit Me Home the reason why is

my mother is going through stage four um pancreatic cancer right now so she's on

disability because of you know at the moment now thank God luckily she lives

in her own house she owns her own home um but and my my my little sister

actually lives with to be able to take care of her but if she if my little sister didn't live with her we'd have to

do something like that and that that stuff is expensive so it would it would eat

through the equity of her house very very fast yes so it would fall on you guys the adult children to foot the

bill 100% so I'm one of four but it's still a lot of money yeah so yeah so you

know tell me a little bit about how you got started in this because did you just wake up one day and say I'm gonna start

Assisted Living because you you told me that you said your grandmother was I you

were looking for your grandmother so your father was looking into that okay so he

purchased yeah yeah so how did you get into it as his child did you just say

I'm gonna following his footsteps or did you take your own path and then come back yes so I was a flight attendant at

when all of this was happening I had graduated college I went out to travel and have fun and be free and um wasn't

making a ton of money you know grew up with a very entrepreneurial father who was always in real estate um and when I

would be home on my trips I started to notice that he had sold all of his other forms of real estate and he was only

doing assisted living and I knew why you know he'd gotten into it why he had um

done that obviously because of my grandmother but I did didn't really know what it was all about and so on my off

days I just started kind of going into his office learning a little bit more visiting the homes checking out this and

that um and he asked me you know uh if I was interested and wanted to learn more

and we just started kind of slowly working together eventually I um quit my job became one of his first employees

and we own the three homes and five other businesses and so I was his

right-hand gal running all of those um up until he passed in 2021 won and then

I you know took everything over as the as the front lady so um it's been quite

a journey right almost eight years by his side um and that was so amazing being able to work with him in that way

and really just learn this industry from the inside out that's awesome now did he

make you do every job just about me I just did them all because that is what

you do when you're building a business from one person to 50 people from one company to five you just you have to put

your boots down and be the end all be all so I knew exactly 100% yeah yeah

100% And it's it's like okay if you don't know how to do it how can you train somebody else to do it exactly so

we didn't have any of the Departments that are involved you know these days so

I had to become that you know leader of that department figure it all out figure out the systems and the processes so

that eventually I could pass on all those different 50 roles

right so you know when you started doing that how how much time passed before you

ended up owning your own or did you just work with your dad's yes so when my dad

passed they were left to me yeah okay I I'm sorry to hear that so no it's okay

all right uh now if I remember correctly your dad was actually pretty famous

wasn't he well famous in the Assisted Living World yep he's known as the god

of residential Assisted Living okay a and he actually um met and and worked

did he work with uh what um Robert

kosaki they're good friends they were good friends yep so robt owns a big box facility down the road from me here in

Scottdale Arizona um him and his ex-wife Kim and so when my dad met them you know

years back he was like hey you're the Assisted Living guy and they became fast friends and Robert invests in it my dad

invested in it so it was a great most definitely and I think

everyone can um understand that you know Robert kisaki's Rich Dad Poor dead was

kind of like the The Godfather to you know uh real estate and it's like what

everybody read first just to get like change their mindset I guess so so at

least it did for me I can't speak for everybody but everybody I've heard from has said the exact same thing yeah so um

so tell me where you're at now and what you're doing now because running three

assisted living facilities although that's a great business it's fun um I know you got to be doing more

than that yeah so we have the three homes and then we have the five other business businesses and the main one

that I focus on is residential Assisted Living Academy where we teach and train Real Estate Investors and entrepreneurs

how to start own and operate their own assisted living homes so we host trainings about eight times a year in

Phoenix Arizona and we have an online course and we're teaching thousands of students each year how to do this all on

their own and so it's not a franchise it's just an educational course but I find a lot of joy in doing that and that

takes up most of my time that's awesome now for anybody who is interested or at

least want to look it up we did include the link in the description whether you're on Facebook or whether you're on

our YouTube channel um go down to the description you'll see the link there so we did include that um just after your

bio so um so check it out I highly highly recommend I highly recommend you

for any of this because everybody that I've talked to that has that has dealt

with you has said nothing but great things so I appreciate um so tell me a

little bit about how did you come up with this course and um and then like what what drove you

to do that I guess you I guess I would ask ask that more so what drove you to do the course so as a family business

you know my dad had been a educator for about 30 years prior to starting

Assisted Living he taught people about all sorts of different investment strategies and when he jumped into

residential Assisted Living everyone around him started asking you know well I don't I don't get it you're making all

this cash flow and you're only doing one thing what's going on teach me all the secrets so December of 2013 which is

we're almost coming up on our 10e right in December did first three-day training

to teach um some people how to do that and it just went crazy from there so um

we i' I've taken over that training from him right since he passed and so I'm thrilled to be able to carry on that

Legacy and continue to teach investors how to do good and do well that's awesome and you know that's

the reason we're doing this is I I started this podcast um to help actually

originally help my Facebook group stand out more so from because there's a ton

of Facebook groups out there so um and we have about 5,300 people roughly in

our Facebook group and it's growing every day so um you know but I figured

at the same time last year around octob around this time um I'm like well I

might as well start posting on YouTube as well so we're starting to grow that as well awes you know um but you know I

understand what the education and it just to me and I'm sure you feel the same way it

just it it brings joy to me when I see somebody else succeed through what they learn from me

yeah you know um so it's it it's crazy on that now what is your now you don't

have to give everything away or anything like that you go take the course but what is your guys's secret um to success

versus say other Assisted Living places or anything like that so um you know

versus is it American holes I I believe is one of them um that's like the Big

Chain oh uh not necessarily for assisted living they may be okay um yeah there's

there's no um there's no big change when it comes to residen okay living actually

and we're not even because we're not a franchise so we're not okay that everyone's under one um but I think that

the big secret to opening an amazing residential assisted living home is um

having grit honestly it takes a lot to get the homes up and running and each one is its full own individual business

and you know you've got to hire the staff and get licensed deal with zoning and fire suppression and all of this

stuff maybe angry neighbors and then Market the home fill the home and you're constantly working on filling the home

and making sure that you know you have the right staff in place and the right residence there and so it is a lot of

work and I think all of real estate investing takes grit but specifically residential Assisted Living does because

you've got to be willing to get punched in the face and get back up and that's that's what it is at the end of the day

and so if that is like the type of person that you are you know for any of your listeners then this might be an

amazing adventure for you because it's one way to really cash flow significantly but also utilize that

skill like it's not fun to live an easy life life like that's boring no one wants to die and be like life was super

easy I had no challenges nothing was hard you know so this is kind of

something that it's difficult it can be hard and I don't tell anybody that you know it's get-rich quick or super easy

it's definitely can be challenging oh 100% so um one of the the our main um

our caption was how to make millions in senior housing so that was that was my

uh my YouTube to my uh thumbnail I love

um and in my opinion it's great you know from what everything that you're

describing to me and correct me if I'm wrong but it's grit you gotta this is not a you know P like set it and forget

it type thing you know right this is a this is a true business and anybody who

tells you even with Buy and Hold housing you know like residential housing

it's never a s everybody says oh it's passive income I want this passive income this term passive income has come

so much and it's everybody wants to be sitting on the beach and smoking a cigar

drinking drinking booze and doing all that uh and just collect a paycheck and

it's like in a business in a true business you got to keep working at it no matter

what even if you set up systems and it and it sounds to me like that's exactly

what you do is you set up systems for everything you know you still got to put

in the the oversight yes you know yes you still got to have that oversight no matter what

you know so um so with your your course does it go over how to purchase the

homes or what to look for in a home what what's so tell me what's good for a

senior living a senior assistant living home what's the what's the idea you're

looking for zoning really is the number one thing that you're looking for and when I say that what I mean is you want

residentially zoned homes in a demographic Zone where the average age

is 50 to 70 year olds who are upper middle class who are making twice the median income so that's the adult child

right who can afford to put Mom or Dad into your home so we want to be in a

residentially zoned area in a single family neighborhood and when I say single family I do not mean a 32 right

uh an 86 is also still a residential single family home so you know think

large think upscale in a really nice part of town that's what we're going for where that demographic Zone around is

filled with the daughter judies right the adult children who are going to pay for Mom or Dad to come in your home and

that's really what you're looking for Okay so so with that being said you

know you have residential homes the more bedrooms the better but we have

sometimes two three stories is that good for assisting assisted living or is it better for a ranch yeah you have to put

in an elevator so you can do it nothing stopping you right but it's cost you 30 to 50 grand for that residential

elevator okay so these are the things that they have to look in into so for

instance if you're buying a eight-bedroom house with you know eight

bathrooms or whatever the case may be and it's a three-story house you got to

make sure that there's an either there's room to put an elevator or um there's

some some sort of elevator there yeah most homes will not be ready to go as is

you're gonna have to do quite a bit of renovation to get them suitable for the seniors whether that's adding bedrooms

bathrooms ramps guard rails handrails fire suppression elevators water tanks

you name it there's tons of stuff you have to do to get it ready to go for the

seniors okay so it's best to try to find a fixer upper no matter what because you

got to make those changes anyways maybe because if it's not in that right area

then say no right and so well yeah well there's fixer ERS everywhere yeah yes it

depends yeah you can find it in that right area then that could work perfect so for

everyone out there listening okay coming to you everyone out there who's watching

listening go with a wholesaler look at a wholesaler that's not me saying that because I'm a wholesaler but look at

your options you will be able to find those type but you got to be specific on

your criteria no matter what so uh right now I said that but it's the truth

though it's you got to be specific on your criteria and what you're looking for so that wholesalers and other other

um say um investor friendly Realtors because I'll also go with that uh know

exactly what you're looking for so when something either comes up with them they know it right away and they'll call you

versus it going up on the market yeah you know um so typically do you

see uh the resale value of these businesses so say somebody brings up

these businesses where they're making a good cash flow 10 thou I usually remember $10,000 a month and then do

they just maybe try to exit the business and try to sell the business itself or

um have you seen it where they just try to run it and try to pick up more you

know I mean I'm I'm just curious on your opinion on that what you've seen

everyone has different strategies and different exit strategies we've seen some some people who are looking to get

like a pack of a hundred of them right we have aent in Colorado who is on number 26 right now so they want to have

a hundred they're gonna package them up and sell them to the hedge funds right and they'll have a nice cash out so some

students choose to go that route others they wanted them and they got into it like for the same reason that me and my

family members did was they had a loved one who needed this so they want it for

their own family to have a place to live and a place to go and that's why they're in business is so that their

grandparents have it their parents have it they have it they're leaving their children a blessing not a burden and so

they want it to be like a generational business that's in their family um right

very rarely are people building them just to sell unless they're going the hedge fund route but it's not not really

that oneoff type situation like that right so real quick um anybody

who's watching out there at the moment if you do have any questions go ahead and put them in the chat and we'll ask

them there or we'll answer the questions there as we go um but in the meantime I

you know that's all you know like everyone I have as a wholesaler I have to look at

all different exit strategies because my my buyers are all different

types of buyer I don't go just to one buyer I go to all different types of buyers so that's the reason I asked that

but you know yeah you're you're completely right like sometimes it's selfish where you know instead of paying

five grand a month for your grandmother your mother to go in into one of these

living I might as well own the business and just run it myself you know and now I'm instead of being uh in debt five

grand a month and having put out now I'm taking in 10 grand a month you know

whatever the case may be where you can bring on different people and supplement that income you know um so with that you

know I last time I saw you were actually pregnant wait last time I saw you still

are okay when is your due date December December yeah some time

December what's 22nd oh oh Christmas

baby I I asked that because my brother is uh December 16 so uh yeah close so that yeah 100% uh so

first off congratulations on that so um and you know like I'm looking at the

Assisted Living you know business and I'm treating it like like do you have

like all other businesses like problems hiring people and hiring qualified people like

what's your guys's process for that you know in our industry pretty much every person you

would ask would tell you yes it's very difficult there's a lot of turnover with the caregivers right with the staff who

works in the home because I don't work in my homes I spend maybe five hours a week just managing doing oversite on the

businesses I visit them maybe every other month if not once a quarter um

very very rarely am I there I'm not Hands-On at all um but that's how I've set them up because I have amazing staff

who's in place who can run those businesses and do all the operations for me so that I don't have to that's how I

wanted my businesses set up so everybody kind of takes a different route to what

works but caregiving in general is typically a minimum wage job maybe a

couple dollar or two above minimum wage and they're working hard I mean they are

in there with those seniors 247 you know with medication management three meals a

day cleaning helping bathe the seniors to toilet with the seniors help them get

up to walk I mean there's a lot involved um and so there is a lot of turnover in

general in that industry but when in our training we focus a lot on how to hire

train and obain the best of the best caregivers so that it's a non-issue for you in your home because there are

things you can do that completely separate you from the pack that make you the home that everybody wants to work at

that has loyal people who never leave and you beat all the standards of oh

people are hiring new you know caregivers every three months we're retaining our Caregivers for years and

years and years and they're they're not leaving right so there's things you can do to separate yourself but it's really

just about you know educating yourself on on what to do and to be frank treating them with a lot of

respect 100% yeah no matter what you got to treat your employees with respect and

um you know you got you got to make them feel appreci appreciate it so um so with that

being said there are like what I've seen there are different levels of seniors too there's the seniors that are able to

take care of themselves no problem they just they need help you know maybe they

can't really run the stove too much you know they can't you know they just a little memory my mom calls it

sometimers not alltimers they call sometimers that's cute living they they can walk and talk

and do what they need to do a little minor help Independent Living exactly

and then there are ones that kind of need some things done for them you know

but they you know they they want the the SK they want to keep busy no matter what

so uh they don't need somebody helping them go to the bathroom but they need somebody doing most other things with

them you know and then there's the ones that need everything taken care of no matter what so do you have all of the

different levels in your business or know how to do that or do you stay away from one side versus the other so

someone who's at an independent uh living level they don't move into

assisted living because they can Home Alone they might it's like possibly your mom right you're saying yeah your

sister's there to possibly help every so often that's kind of the golden girl style maybe they need help changing a

light bulb or mowing lawn or whatever the case and so those minor little things that help make their life easier

but when you need assisted living you typically need help with three to five activities of daily living ADLs as

they're called in the industry so that's getting up brushing your hair brushing your teeth taking medication eating

right um toileting showering bathing walking all those different things you need help with three to five by the time

a doctor will require you to say you cannot live alone you are dangerous you

have to go assisted living and so when a senior gets to that point the doctor will

require them to go into assisted living or get one-on-one inh home care which is insanely expensive as well um so unless

you have you know someone who's going to quit their job and take care of you full-time um you really don't have many

options and so a big box facility right a nice large commercial facility right

where you're just a number and the ratios are like 30 seniors to one caregiver yikes right that's an option

yeah in home oneon-one care is an option but expensive and then residential

assisted living is an option um or you know having a loved one who quits their job and takes care of you so yeah most

of the people in our home need help with three to five ADLs or they wouldn't be moving in they're not moving in for

funsies got it okay so 3 to five ADL

basically and then that's what they're they're coming in now um with that being

said do they do you deal with a lot with like insurance and like does a lot of

insurance cover all this or is it usually strictly out of pocket you know

yeah about 10% of the population has long-term care insurance so if someone

has that's amazing but 10% is not a lot of people right so if you have

home maybe one would have LTC Insurance the rest are typically paying um by

selling their property that they lived in using that Capital to pay for their care needs they're using their cash

their savings their Investments um or adult children are footing the bill that's what we see a lot of times so

your normal medical insurance wouldn't cover something like this just normal medical not that I'm aware of they're

not going to cover your house and your food and your law like any of right okay

interesting okay so it's like that really tells people like hey

look at your insurance look at what you're actually paying for like you know

if this it will be something down the road either get the long-term health insurance or make sure

plan for something like this you know so a lot of people don't have plans and you know they their parents are looking at

them saying hey I took care of you it's your time to take care of me and the adult children are like um what and they

they don't understand the fees involved with this and how actually expensive it is and so it leaves a lot of families in

a really bad situation and the thing is not everyone's born to be a caregiver not everyone is born to um you know wipe

their mom's butt like that is like a lot of parents don't want you to do that

we're like please don't right now a relationship we're not mother daughter

mother son it's it's inappropriate and so I'd rather pay a licensed

professional who cares about my my you know senior loved one who knows what they're doing and is not weirded out by

it and you know it's very very very different dealing with a baby than dealing with a senior right so I totally

just the way you said that it actually reminds me of so when my mom first got

diagnosed with um you know her the reason she the only the way we found out

that she has uh pancreatic cancer was her legs swelled up like double the size

and turns out she had blood clots in her legs her lungs and all that and what

caused the blood clots was when the pancreatic cancer went from her pancreas to her liver

okay and so because of that it happened within like a two week period like it

was crazy so we went straight to the hospital well after a couple weeks of her on blood thinner she still is not

able to do a lot of things on her own my my sister is at the house and and I came

I I come visit her every every week I at least go go see my mom once a week and

she goes you know I just had to had to White mom's hooa

yeah and I'm like sorry I'm happy it's not me

yeah so you know um I go that that's kind of what I I'm like I'm just happy

it's not be so you know love your mom but I let's keep that relationship

separate there yeah you know but it's it's true like I mean she's at to the

point now she's doing a lot better she's gone through through chemo and she's able to do things a lot more on her own

but it's it's like I never want to get to that point and you don't think about it

until you have to exactly exactly you know it's like life insurance I I long

long time ago I used to sell life insurance so nobody thinks about life insurance until one somebody's in front

of them uh that to try to sell them at life insurance or or two somebody most

of them has passed away yeah and and it's in shock you know

um you know or three when it's too late yeah yeah you know so um but yeah so

this is kind of the same same situation where you have you got to think about

this type of stuff beforehand and getting into the business helps mediate your cost no

matter what so if you can get in there earlier with suspecting that your parents or um grandparents or whoever in

your family might have to use it yeah by all means you know by time by time you

per they have to use it you've perfected your system yeah exactly so um you know

so that that is really cool I so tell me a little bit about like how what does it

cost to get into your like everything that comes with your course that you have and what does something like that

run usually so our online training program starts at 1497 and our live three-day training is

typically 10,000 for one person an additional thousand for business partner or spouse but I think that they're

running discounts over this last year so I know we've got a couple months left but I think it's at $ 4997 right now for

one person and additional thousand for a spouse um that is awesome yeah and and

the three-day training is really really fun because you're getting to meet not only um me but also all of our team

members who are past students who went got their own homes up and running

across the country and now they're back to teach and train other investors how to do this on their own and so it's a

lot of fun because you're getting tons of experts who've been in the business for quite a while now and really really

just enjoy what they do and they're there for you to answer and ask any questions that you have and they just

love inter acting with the new students most definitely and that's kind of where

like in my opinion like networking with people especially people who is doing

what you want to do and just pick their brain and asking them questions and and

so on like it is just the the biggest Roi that you can ever have yeah no

matter what yeah so I agree um with that you know I so how you know how is it

that people can help you out in your business how can people who's watching

this whether it be they're watching live or whether they're watching the replay because we do stay on on YouTube and we

do have the replay going uh constantly so um what is it that we can do to help

you out as well well our mission as a company is to positively impact 10

million people through residential assisted living and so I if you're not aware of what residential

assisted living is educating yourself really learning what this is what the differenes where the local homes in your

area are there's 30,000 of these care homes that exist across our country today so finding the ones in your area

by going to a site like romeo.com um and really just like when

you need or your family members need this care considering it as an option because we can't help people if they

don't know what it is and we don't have the big sign big budget that sunrise and Atrium and Brookdale do these are Mom

and Pop shops and so the more people that we can educate across the country to know what this is so when the time

comes that inevitably you or someone in your life needs it you know where to go you know what to look for and at least

consider it as an option for your care needs for the senior loved ones in your life that would be amazing most

definitely and the thing is is that people may not even know that the the senior living Care Centers right behind

them have have followed your course and have been educated by you and things

like that so you know they may be under a different name or different company but they're following your as procedures

and things like that now by going to there and and and networking with those

people who've done it in the past and you know by all means that that is how

you improve every everything in a business no matter what you see where

you can um add value and where you can uh add value to somebody else and they

in turn add value to you by giving you say some advice on on what to do or Pro

different procedures or or whatever the case may be that your course has and

what other PE you can see other people actually going through it yeah so yeah

um so you know that's awesome you know 10,000 10,000 people that's that is a

lot um you know but I I'm happy to hear that that goal and like how many how far

have you gotten to that goal so far to they helping 10 million people yeah 10

million people sorry yeah no wor the deal is if you think about this it's not that we need to open 10 million homes

each home that has on average 10 seniors those seniors don't live forever right you only live on average and assisted

living for three and a half years so we do have quite a bit of turnover but if you had a home open for quite some time

each senior has families that that come with them right it's the daughter Judy it's the son Bob it's the granddaughter

Zoe it's all those family members that you're impacting and you're affecting because they don't have to wipe your bum

they don't have to quit their job to take care of you they don't have to completely uproot their lives they get

to be the dog the son the granddaughter and they get to love on you in that way

in the last years of life so we're positively impacting the whole family the seniors as well as the caregivers

when the caregivers are working in an environment where it's 30 to one where it's long hallways and they're wearing

their airpods and call the seniors by numbers they're not doing what God set on their heart to do right you don't

become a caregiver like usually for fun you become because you love seniors because

you want to help them then you get thrown in the big box environment and you're disgusted with the situation and

you're being set up to fail and it's not really your fault but you don't know any better now if we take you out of that

and we put you into this care home where it's a one to4 ratio you get to hang out with the same people every day build

relationships truly care for these seniors we're also impacting the caregivers so one home with 10 residents

isn't just impacting 10 people it may be impacting a thousand people right and so we more Care Homes to exist so we can

reach that goal of 10 million because it really impacts everyone in and around you know the home everyone involved in

it right no 100% And that is that is a

tremendous goal and you know you know every day that you go towards it it just

it every day every business that opens up under underneath you it basically it

it tenfolds y exactly yeah so that is awesome um now we are coming close to

the end I want to be respectful of your time and things like that uh now you

know one thing I do want to ask anybody who is watching if you are watching on the replay leave a comment Down Below on

what you want to ask Isabelle um you know things like that you know we'll try

to get that question answered as much as possible so um with that being said you

know what is a what is a let me try to I'm trying to start

something with my podcast where what is the best business books that you have

read um name two of the best business books that you have read that has made

the biggest impact in in your business I would say I just read this

one that I loved loved loved and it's called a CEO only does three things um

and I I'll give you the cliff notes but it's focusing on numbers people and culture and I love this book it's by

Trey Taylor I actually know him I'm in a mastermind with him but a CEO does three things I think is an amazing book for

leaders in business entrepreneurs um and CEOs because truly if you just focus on

those things everything else will fall into place and I love that um the other book that I love and I always recommend

it it's not a business book read it more as a fun book but I took a lot of things from it um for business is called the 5

AM Club um and it's it's about getting up at 5: am obviously yeah the title but

it's not just about that it's about like living your life to the fullest and really choosing um what you're going to

do with your time being very wise with your time and not getting distracted by everything that feels so important

throughout the day and really just prioritizing time and where your energy goes and maximizing your days and I

think both of those books in combination have helped me maximize my day and maximize my business and I think that's

that's the theme of my books here tonight that is awesome and then just

one last question um if somebody were wanting to get started today okay what

are the things that they should be preparing for to run a senior Assisted

Living place I obviously besides taking your course you know um besides that

what are the thing what are the top we'll call it top two to three things

that they need to prepare for yeah I would say start making your game plan on

raising Capital right we always encourage you not to use your own money on these Ventures so what is your game

plan for that um and you want to be prepared to have over capitalization because the worst thing you could do is

go back to an investor and say actually I need more so game plan on that whether

that's creating your business plan whether that's just running the numbers to see how much you're actually going to need in your area in your Market um

that's really really really important is starting to kind of gather all that information on what you're going to do

in that regard and then number two honestly I would say start marketing you don't have a home you don't have a

location you don't have staff it doesn't matter start marketing because if you want your home to be full on day one you

need to Market now when it's just an idea in your head you need to be the Assisted Living guy or gal in your area

and tell every single person that you know you are opening a home coming soon coming soon right because it's so

important that by the time it it you are you are breaking ground you are hiring your staff you are doing this now

everyone's excited they're anticipating it and you do have a waiting list before you open if you wait until you know you

got the stamp of approval and the license you're going to be screwed it's going to take you a long time to open so

committing to the idea committing to yourself and telling other people it really helps you actually bring things

to fruition so I would say marketing you can never start too early and really making your game plan for raising your

capital or what you're going to do to fund the project is super important as well most definitely and that's what I

tell people is no matter what is you have to do in whatever business you're

in I whether it's senior assisted living whether it's real estate whether it's another business is just by getting loud

and telling people exactly what you're doing be proud of what you're doing if

you're proud of it it shows when you talk to other people like it's funny

because when I go to network events or when I'm actually it hits me more when

I'm not talk when I'm talking to somebody who knows nothing about real estate okay when I talk and and I'm

starting to talk about wholesaling I'm talking about different strategies that we do I'm talking about what what I do they're like I can see your passion yeah

I can see it I can feel it and no matter what whether it's assisted living

whether it's anything else that reinforces that you know you got to get loud yeah and tell everybody what you're

doing okay so 100% so um with that being said I really

do appreciate uh you coming on uh coming on with us today and sharing everything

now again anybody who does want to get started with their course the link is in the bottom below okay and go ahead and

get started um you know at least get some information if you have any questions I'm sure there's a way to

contact her her or one of her team members on there so um and kind of go

from there so um I'll bring you down and then we'll have we'll exit and then kind

of um if you just hold on a minute I'll talk with you after all right all right thank you everyone I

really do appreciate this was a great episode today um and I'm very very happy

for uh you know bringing on Isabella Isabella coming on here when I

first saw her running uh showing at the M uh real estate Meetup it it was

phenomenal it it it was you know I I knew she had to come on here at some

point so with that being said we're going to bring on here every other Monday I we're gonna bring on a new

guest coming in so stay tuned and let's all do deals